The Most Beneficial Programs, Trainings, and Masterminds I've Experienced

This is not a list of everything out there, as I sure haven't done it all. But these have moved the needle dramatically for me in my life and business.

Masterminds and Mentorships
The Agoge - fitness, business, and life - via Nick Koumalatsos (currently in)

Apex - business and marketing - via Ryan Stewman (currently in one level, previously in "Entrepreneurs")

Overcome Army - developing resilience and leadership - via Jason Redman (currently in)

Monster Producer - developing your sales and production capability - via Micheal Burt (in for many years)

Sales Training
Anything by Zig Ziglar - classic sales, but as ethical as they come

Straight Line Selling - learned the power of structuring "airtight logical cases" and great overall training - Jordan Belfort 

CATCH Framework - a simple but effective framework for closing business; part of the Apex program - Ryan Stewman 

Legacy Selling System - a very systematic way to generate leads and sell; part of Monster Producer - Micheal Burt

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